Monday, February 4, 2013

Name Ring

 And another ring!

This one takes a little bit of trial and error... But the end product is pretty cool!

All you need is wire and some pliers, and a marker with some paper to help guide you. Or, you can free-form it.
First write the name (or word if you want) on a piece of paper.  Ignore the lines I made, they're irrelevant. For making a ring though don't use a long name like Brianna, I abbreviated it to Bri later.  This ring was for my friend, as my name is not Brianna it's Julia.

 What you want to do is take a LONG piece of wire, I repeat long, and bend on of the ends up about half an inch maybe.  This is your starting point at which you will begin crafting your word.  You need some round nose pliers or really strong hands to be able to do this.  With your wire, bend it slowly along each of your letters, connecting them along the bottom for the most part.   If you run into weird letters, like i, that don't flow nicely, you can use a wrapping method like the three I have shown.  If you'd like me to try and come up with a way, don't hesitate to ask me :)
How to do an "i"
How to do an "i"
How to do an "i"

 To finish it, make a loop at the beginning of the wire you originally bent up, and also at the end of the wire, wrapping the wire around something round to make it the size of your finger first.

And you're done!!

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