Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Simple Ring

 This ring is very easy to make- it only takes one step!
 All you need is a little trinket like this one.
It needs to have two loops on the side or two holes on the side for this technique to be able to work, but it can be any small thing that you would like to make into a ring!  This I got from my local bead store.

This is the only step.  What you want to do
is cut a piece of wire bigger than the circumference
of your finger, and make a loop at one end.
Then put that loop on your piece, measure around
your finger, and cut the wire a little bit longer than
you need.  Add a loop at the other end of the wire,
attach, and done!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Rose Ring

 Hey guys! So this ring I actually stole the idea from another blog, Julie Ann Art.  Isn't just so pretty though?  That's why I decided to make it for myself.

To start, you are going to need a piece of wire roughly 20 inches long.  I was a bit skeptical at how long it needs to be, but trust me you're gonna need that wire.  Then you wrap it around a mandrel or something round like a candle once for each side of the wire.

Key Necklace

Here's a necklace anyone can make!  All it involves is chain and some random house items.  Here's what you'll need:
  • Chain
  • Lobster Clasp
  • Jump rings
  • Items that would make a good necklace! (I used a key and a charm)

Monday, February 4, 2013

Name Ring

 And another ring!

This one takes a little bit of trial and error... But the end product is pretty cool!

All you need is wire and some pliers, and a marker with some paper to help guide you. Or, you can free-form it.
First write the name (or word if you want) on a piece of paper.  Ignore the lines I made, they're irrelevant. For making a ring though don't use a long name like Brianna, I abbreviated it to Bri later.  This ring was for my friend, as my name is not Brianna it's Julia.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Heart Ring

Hi again! I have my next project, a heart ring!
 It's very simple, all you need is a piece of wire and some pliers to get you going. I used 20 gauge silver wire and round nose pliers.

 First cut a piece of wire and wrap it around something the size of your finger so that it overlaps a little, as I have it shown.